Just to say a big thank you to everyone who visited us during 2015. Hopefully you all have a great store of memories from your trip. A big thank you also to everyone who sent us the many great photos. You may have seen some on our facebook page and website and we will be adding more over the winter months.
We are very busy right now working on our tours for 2016, and also developing our new walking tours. Our walking tours website is almost ready.
We had the heaviest rain in years here over the weekend. River levels were higher than in living memory, unfortunately this led to flooding in some areas. It did also lead to some spectacular sights. The photo below is of us at Assarancagh Waterfall on Saturday afternoon. Hopefully the weather is good wherever you are and you are managing to get out and enjoy plenty of cycling.
As we say here “is fearr an tsláinte ná na táinte” (health is better than wealth)
Seamus and Nora.