Perhaps you are thinking about a cycling holiday in Ireland. Maybe you are wondering if it is really for you, or indeed if you will be fit for the cycling. Well if the idea appeals to you there’s no need to worry. With a little preparation and by choosing the correct tour, just about anyone can enjoy all the thrills that an Irish Cycling Holiday has to offer.
It might seem obvious, but the most important part of your preparation is to do some cycling. Not only will this improve your fitness, but even more importantly, it will provide you with the bike handling skills necessary for your safety and comfort on the road. You do not need to train like a competitive cyclist, but the more leisure cycling you do the more enjoyable your holiday will be. If you live within cycling distance of your workplace this could be the perfect way of fitting in your preparation. You also have the added health advantages that regular cycling brings. If this is not possible, then getting out on the bike a few times a week will have equal benefits. As with all exercise, the advice is to begin with a little and gradually increase your distances.
It is not necessary to cycle the same distances as you will cover while on holiday. Keep in mind that when you are on holiday you will have all day to get to your destination. Plenty of time to stop for coffee, have a leisurely lunch and stop to take a photo at every turn on the road. (Believe us when you are on a cycling holiday in Ireland you will want to take a photo at every turn on the road). If you choose a leisurely bike tour such as the Sligo’s Yeats Country Single Centre Bike Tour or Donegal Coastal Treasures Bike Tour you may be cycling as little as 25 km (15 miles) per day, so no need to hurry. Therefore even a small bit of cycling prior to your trip will leave you more than ready.
If you opt to do a cycling tour with longer daily distances, it follows that you need to do a bit more preparation. Keep in mind that much of Ireland is hilly. This, after all, is what makes it so beautiful. If you live in a flat area you should probably choose a cycling tour with approximately two thirds of the daily distance you feel you can comfortably cover.
So why wait! If you haven’t been doing any cycling recently, then it’s time to dust down your bike. Check that the tyres are pumped and that your brakes and gears work. Before long you’ll be more than ready to experience the sights, sounds, smells, stories and much more that a cycling holiday in Ireland has to offer.